Woman sitting on a beach looking at Las Vegas city


Serene scene of a woman sitting on a sandy beach, gazing out towards a distant Las Vegas city skyline. The woman appears contemplative, with the waves gently lapping at the shore behind her. In the background, the cityscape is visible, with tall buildings and bustling streets creating a stark contrast to the peaceful beach setting. The image has a painterly quality, reminiscent of a poster or book cover.


Create a vibrant and nostalgic vintage travel poster showcasing [Las Vegas] with the text "Las Vegas". Capture the essence of the 1930s to 1950s era with a classic Art Deco style. The poster should feature iconic landmarks. Use a color palette typical of the time, with rich, saturated colors and stylized geometric shapes. The composition should be dynamic yet harmonious, evoking a sense of wonder and the bustling energy of Madrid in that era. Render the image in a high-resolution, ultra-detailed format to capture the texture of a paper poster from that time, with a slight grain and weathered look to enhance authenticity --ar 3:4 --style raw --v 6.0

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