Cut open passion fruit


Close-up image of a passion fruit that has been cut open, revealing its juicy interior filled with numerous seeds. The passion fruit appears to be ripe and fresh, with its vibrant orange skin contrasting against the dark seeds inside. The image is focused on the intricate details of the fruit, showcasing its unique texture and shape. The passion fruit is a tropical fruit known for its sweet and tangy flavor, making it a popular ingredient in various desserts and beverages. This image is perfect for showcasing the beauty and deliciousness of passion fruit in any culinary or nature-themed dataset.


A freshly cut passion fruit is the subject, positioned centrally against a stark white background. Additional elements include droplets of juice glistening on the surface of the sacs, catching the light. The effect to capture is the translucent glow of the sacs, highlighting the contrast between the dark seeds and the golden pulp. The overall composition should convey a sense of ripe freshness, with a tight focus on the fruit’s vivid textures and colours to evoke a tangibly juicy appeal

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