18 min read

What is SDXL 1.0 AI? Ultimate Review

AI image generation models have evolved significantly over the past few years. Yet, very few have made headlines in recent times as SDXL 1.0. Released by Stability AI, the cutting-edge text-to-image generation solution brands itself as the world’s “best open image generation model.” 

However, in a hype-filled world of AI, separating facts from fluffs helps us discover whether Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 is truly as innovative as its creators claim. This article dives deeper into SDXL Stable Diffusion, the trending 1.0 model, how it compares with previous versions, and how to set up SDXL on various operating systems. 

Readers will also learn about potential use cases for SDXL and how to make the most out of the AI image generation model. Enjoy this ultimate SDXL review for artists, graphics designers, and all AI lovers.

What Is SDXL Stable Diffusion?

Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) is an open-source AI image generation model developed by Stability AI. The model introduces several improvements to photorealism, making it an instant hit among AI-based creators. 

SDXL produces more realistic faces, readable text, and improved image composition. The flagship image model is also noteworthy for its ability to perform superior text-to-image synthesis while requiring lesser prompts than earlier versions. 

SDXL further delivers on core image generation functionalities such as impainting (improving selected image parts), outpainting (creating new parts outside current image borders), and image-to-image prompting (transforming a source image to exhibit the same features of a target image).

Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) was first introduced in a paper published on July 4, 2023, before an official release by Stability AI on July 26, 2023. Following its release, users can access SDXL on the following platforms:

Enterprises may access SDXL through APIs on the Stability AI developer platform. In the next sections, we take a look at some key features of the trending AI image model and how it compares to previous versions.

Key Features

The Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) 1.0 features a two-stage architecture, namely, the base model and the refiner model. The base model consists of 3.5 billion parameters which empower users to create a diverse range of photorealistic outputs. For comparison, the SD V2.1 featured only 900 million parameters.

On top of a robust base model that can be used as a standalone module, SDXL 1.0 also features a refiner model with 6.6 billion parameters. The refiner focuses on the final denoising step in image generation, giving creators more control over the final output.

Another notable SDXL feature is that it brings text-to-image generation to Stable Diffusion for the first time. Users can generate legible text, something currently not possible with other open image generation models (except for Deep Floyd). Although the texts generated by SDXL are not always accurate and may require multiple fine-tuning, the text-to-image generation capability represents a major breakthrough for Stability AI.

SDXL comes with a default image size of 1024*1024 pixels. While the model supports different aspect ratios, the quality of the image produced typically drops based on the selected range. Noteworthily, official Stability AI partner DreamStudio also generates images in the following default sizes: 

  • 3:2 – 1216 x 832 pixels
  • 5:4 – 1152 x 896 pixels
  • 16:9 – 1344 x 768 pixels
  • 21:9 – 1536 x 640 pixels

Lastly, SDXL introduces enhanced artistic styles for image generation. This means users can easily create images specific to niches such as anime, digital art, photography, comic book, 3D models, and line art.

SDXL 1.0 vs. Previous Versions

SDXL is a culmination of years of development and research on AI image generation by Stability AI. Therefore, it is not surprising that the latest model is a significant upgrade from its predecessors. 

According to research published by Stability AI, users prefer SDXL 1.0 (base and refiner model combined) over other open models. Even the standalone SDXL 1.0 (without its refiner) is a preferred choice among creators when pitted against previous versions of Stable Diffusion.

(Source: Stability AI)

Here are some key differences between SDXL vs. previous versions:

  • Improved technical framework: Stability AI built SDXL 1.0 on top of two language modules, namely the OpenClip model (ViT-G/14) and OpenAI’s proprietary CLIP ViT-L. These modules are responsible for understanding user prompts during image generation. By combining two of the most powerful language modules available, SDXL 1.0 is easier to command compared to SD V2, which was built using only OpenClip.

Additionally, SDXL uses a U-Net architecture that is three times larger than previous diffusion models. This robust mechanism allows for better segmentation of image features based on user prompts. The result is the creation of superior-quality images that closely match user input.

  • Improved intelligence: Another edge that SDXL has over earlier models is that it can produce complex and thrilling images even with fewer commands. This heightened intelligence means users do not necessarily need to include terms such as "high-detail" or "sensational" to generate high-quality images. 

Additionally, Stability AI reveals that the model can distinguish between concepts such as "red square," which is a shape, and a famous place like "The Red Square." SDXL can also naturally exclude negative traits that might affect the final output of an image, even without specific prompts by the user.

  • Advanced human anatomy: Previous SD versions occasionally fail to create accurate human anatomy and require additional user prompts to correct such errors. For instance, generated images may have poorly formed human faces, missing fingers, and shortened or misplaced limbs.

While the SDXL is not perfect in generating human anatomy, it solves the problem to a significant extent. The quality is significantly improved, and in most cases,  such errors are not possible to detect without close scrutiny.

Moving beyond the major differences between SDXL and earlier versions, there are also similarities. All SD models are open-source, allowing for a vibrant community and continued efforts to improve the model. Users can also use the same commands and prompts for all Stable Diffusion versions, even though the output is significantly improved on SDXL 1.0. A closer comparison of images generated from various SD models makes the differences clearer.

Comparing Images Generated With the SDXL 1.0 and Other SD Models

We curate some of the best images from across the web showing pictures generated with SDXL 1.0 against other SD models. A review of the prompts confirms that SDXL 1.0 is significantly superior. Here are some samples:

  1. SDXL 1.0 vs SD 1.5 model

Prompt used: A fast food restaurant on the moon with the name “Moon Burger”

Negative prompt: disfigured, ugly, bad, immature, cartoon, anime, 3d, painting, b&w

SDXL 1.0 (with base + refiner) vs. SD 1.5 (base) (Source)

Results: SDXL 1.0 produces a better photorealistic output in line with inputted commands, although the tagline below “Moon burger” on the restaurant banner has no English meaning. SD 1.5 fails badly, only depicting a restaurant and neglecting other prompts provided.

  1. SDXL 1.0 vs SD 2.1 model

Prompt used: "Minimalistic home gym with rubber flooring, wall-mounted TV, weight bench, medicine ball, dumbbells, yoga mats, high-tech equipment, high detail, organized and efficient."

Negative prompt: Nil

Stable Diffusion v2.1 vs SDXL 1.0 (Source)

Result: While SD 2.1 generates an image close to the provided prompts, it lacks the realism and visual aesthetics evident in SDXL 1.0. For instance, SD 2.1 emphasizes the presence of rubber flooring with a blue color. Ironically, it also places tens of medicine balls in a “minimalistic home gym.” SDXL does better at fine-tuning the details and featuring modern “high-tech equipment.”

  1. SDXL 1.0 vs. SD 1.5 model (Anime Style)

Prompt used: anime, photorealistic, 1girl, collarbone, wavy hair, looking at viewer, upper body, necklace, floral print, ponytail, freckles, red hair, sunlight.

Negative prompt: disfigured, ugly, bad, immature, photo, amateur, overexposed, underexposed.

SDXL base + refiner vs. SD v1.5 (Source)

Result: SDXL base and refiner deliver a photorealistic output with greater attention to detail. The presence of sunlight is more natural, with a necklace pendant that matches the “floral print” and scenery. SD v1.5 is real photo-realistic and obviously misses the “looking at viewer” prompt.

  1. SDXL 1.0 vs SD 2.1 model

Prompt used: Candid shot, paparazzi style, french supermodel, 18yo, tight orange dress, tall woman, beautiful, photorealistic, photography.

Negative prompt: Nil

SD v2.1 vs. SDXL base + refiner (Source)

Result: SD 2.1 output shows known issues around deformed human anatomy with an overemphasis on the “tall woman” prompt. SDXL base delivers better photorealistic results even though fingers on the 18 yo model are not readily visible.

  1. SDXL 1.0 vs SD 2.1 model

Prompt: A girl holding a signboard that says “AI FTW,” studio photography, photorealistic.

Negative prompt: Nil

SD v2.1 vs. SDXL base + refiner (Source)

Result: In this final sample, SD 2.1 produces an image based on the required prompt but struggles with human anatomy and creating legible text. SDXL does a better job with readable texts, although the nails on the “girl” finger are not clear to see.

Comparing images created by SDXL 1.0 against previous models reveals significant improvements by Stability AI. Yet another notable edge that the newer tool has over its predecessors is that there are more platforms where users can get started with using it. 

How to Get Started With Stable Diffusion XL model

If you’re completely new to the world of Stable Diffusion and AI image generation, the easiest way to get started with SDXL is to use a free online image generator such as SDXLDiffusion.com or ClipDrop This option requires no setup, with users able to input prompts and generate images at a whim.

However, if you’re an intermediate or advanced user, you may want to get started with the Stable Diffusion XL model using the different user-facing and developer-centric options available. For instance, if you wish to run the model natively on your computer, you need a device with a GPU of at least 8GB VRAM for the model to work effectively. 

Here’s how to access SDXL 1.0 on the most popular platforms:

  • AUTOMATIC1111 Web-UI

Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 Web-UI is considered the default platform for experienced users to access all image generation models by Stability AI. If you don’t already have Automatic1111 Web-UI installed, follow the steps below to install the popular software.

  • How to Install Automatic1111 Web-UI on Windows for SDXL

System requirements: Ensure that your PC runs Windows 10 or higher, with 8GB or more of VRAM. It must also use a discrete Nvidia video card (GPU), as an integrated GPU will not work for Automatic1111 Web-UI. If your device meets these specifications, then you can follow the next steps.

Step 1: Installing Python

Install Python 3.10.6 (we do not recommend newer versions) from the Microsoft Store. Alternatively, install this version of Python from the official Python website. Use the 64-bit Windows installer, and make sure to select “Add Python to 3.10 to PATH” during the installation process.

The installation process is relatively simple, although it may take a while, depending on your internet speed. You can confirm a successful installation by going to the Command prompt via Windows search (use cmd as a keyword) and typing python as a command into your terminal when it opens.

This prompt will print out Python 3.10 if the installation process is successful. Now, we can move to the next step.

Step 2: Installing Git

Git is a popular code repository management system. You will need it to install and update Automatic Web UI, so we’ll download it now. Go to the official Git download page and download the Windows version. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 3: Cloning the WebUI

It is at this step that we download Automatic1111. Open your Command Prompt again and ensure you are in your home folder (you can choose to save to another folder if you know how to use the terminal to navigate different folders). For simplicity, however, we simply use the home folder by using the following command:

cd %userprofile%

The above prompt should return a result that looks like this: C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME>

If yes, then run the following prompt:

git clone https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.git

Allow sufficient time for the download to complete. This would create a new folder named stable-diffusion-webui in your home directory.

Step 4: Download SDXL 1.0 + refiner model

Locate the newly created stable-diffusion-webui folder using File Explorer. Alternatively, you can simply paste the prompt below in your address bar and press enter:


Open the folder above and locate the Put Stable Diffusion checkpoints here.txt file.

Download SDXL 1.0 base and SDXL 1.0 refiner. Also, download SDXL VAE and save these files to the above folder.

Step 5: Initializing the Web UI

Still, in File Explorer, return to the stable-diffusion-webui folder or simply paste %userprofile%\stable-diffusion-webui in the address bar as in Step 4.

Locate the webui-user.bat file and double-click it to initialize Automatic1111 Web-UI and complete the installation. Once completed, you will see a message: 

Running on local URL:

Now, you can open the above address in your browser and enjoy using SDXL.

To terminate the application, simply exit your browser and close your PC terminal. To reopen, locate the webui-user.bat file and double-click it. Visit on your browser as soon as the initialization on your terminal is complete.

  • How to Install Automatic1111 Web-UI on Mac

System requirements: The software works perfectly on Mac M1/M2 (Apple Silicon chips) with 8GB or more of RAM and a storage space of 128GB or above. If your device meets these specifications, then you can follow the next steps.

Step 1: Install a Package Manager

  • Install a package manager for Mac, preferably Homebrew. Go to brew.sh and copy the prompt that appears below the Install Homebrew header.  Run the command in your Terminal to install the package manager.

  • Enter your device password if prompted in the next step, and complete the installation by following the instructions under Next Steps. Doing so adds Homebrew to your path.

  • To confirm that Homebrew is properly installed, open your Terminal and run the command, 

brew -v

If the installation is successful, you will see Homebrew’s version number.

Step 2: Install Python

Automatic1111 Web-UI requires a native Python installation on your computer to work properly. To install this package through our freshly installed Homebrew manager, enter the following prompt on your terminal:

brew install cmake protobuf rust [email protected] git wget

Wait for all packages to download completely. This may take a while, depending on your internet speed.

Step 3: Cloning the Web-UI

Use the open terminal to navigate to the folder where you want to save Automatic WebUI. For instance, you can save it on the desktop by navigating to:

cd desktop

Alternatively, you can run: 


to see all available folders where you can store the file.

Once you’re in the folder, for example, cd desktop (as used earlier), run the following command in your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui

Running the above command creates a new folder on your desktop named "stable-diffusion-webui" which contains the WebUI.

Step 4: Initializing the Web UI

Once Web UI is successfully installed, navigate to the folder where it is installed using the below prompt:

cd stable-diffusion-webui

You can then access Web UI by running the following prompt:


Note that you’ll always need to run the above prompt in your terminal each time you want to use the Web UI. 

The first time you run this installation, it may take a while, depending on your internet speed. The installer downloads several packages required for Automatic1111 Web-UI. This includes SD 1.5 model, which is still the default option used on the software.

Meanwhile, watch out for a line that reads "Running on a local URL:"

This indicates that your installation is complete. 

Visit this address in your web browser to start using Automatic Web UI:

Here's what your interface will look like:

Step 5: Installing SDXL 1.0 + refiner

Now that you have Automatic1111 Web-UI running, download the following files

SDXL 1.0 base model

SDXL 1.0 refiner

Save these files to the folder stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion as shown below:

Next, download the VAE file to stable-diffusion-webui/models/VAE as shown below:

After successfully downloading these files, reopen in a new tab. Here, you can toggle labeled “Stable Diffusion Checkpoint” to switch to any of the models. 

Select SDXL 1.0 base model.

Step 6: Running Your First Prompt

Provide the AI image generation with a Prompt:

Example: portrait of a handsome young man, dark hair, energetic, office space, photography.

Input a Negative prompt:

Blurry, text, error, bad anatomy, watermark, normal quality, missing fingers, artist name.

Select other image parameters and hit Generate to watch the magic happen! Your output should resemble something similar to ours below!


You can exit SDXL by closing your browser and PC terminal. However, you can access the Web UI again by running the following prompt on your terminal:


Once the command is running, reopen in a browser to access 

Running SDXL with SD.Next (Windows)

SD.Next is another widely used web interface software for interacting with Stable Diffusion models. SD.Next is especially perfect for SDXL 1.0 since users can use the base and refiner model seamlessly. 

The solution delivers a significant difference when compared to Automatic1111, where users must access base and refiner models in separate steps (txt-to-img and then img2img. Here are the system requirements for running SD.Next, on a Windows machine.

System requirements: 12GB VRAM, Windows 10 or higher running on a PC with a discrete Nvidia graphic card (GPU). Ensure that your system meets the above criteria, and then follow the guide below. You can skip steps 1 and 2 if you already have Python and Git running on your Windows.

Step 1: Installing Python

Install Python 3.10 from the Microsoft Store. Alternatively, you may download it from the official Python website.

Step 2: Installing Git

Git helps you manage and update SD.Next. You can download the Windows version here. Run the Installer and accept the license agreement to Install the software.

Step 3: Cloning SD.Next with PowerShell

At this stage, we install SD.Next by cloning the software. Open Windows search and type Powershell. Select the Windows PowerShell application and launch it.

Once inside the PowerShell, input the following command and hit enter.

git clone https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic

Step 4: Initializing SD.Next

Open the Windows File Explorer. Input the below command in the address bar.


Locate a file named webui.dat. It is also labeled as Windows Batch File.

Double-click this file to initialize SD.Next. You may see the error message below:

ImportError: cannot import name ‘deprecated’ from ‘typing_extensions.’

Try rerunning the file, as this would typically fix the issue. 

Once the webui.dat file is running, you will see an option to download the default model. Input y and hit the enter key.

This process installed SD 1.5, which is ideal for an initial test. 

Once the installation is complete, you will find the now familiar Local URL message,

Open this URL in your browser to access SD.Next Web UI for Stable Diffusion. It should look something like this.

Step 5: Installing SDXL 1.0

Inside the SD.Next Web UI, select the Models page from the top menu and switch to the Huggingface tab.

In the option to Select model, input the below prompt


Click Download Model and wait for the process to complete

You can check the download progress in the already open Console Window, as shown next.

Once the download completes, you can repeat the process. This time, input the below prompt to install the SDXL refiner model


In the final step, we will access these downloaded models using SD.Next.

Step 6: Configuring SD.Next to use the diffusers backend

Stability AI requires that users configure the SDXL base and refiner setup to a diffusers backend to enjoy the newer image generation model. Older versions used the so-called original backend.

There are two ways to configure your SD.Next to, use a diffusers backend required for SDXL 1.0.

  • Open the PowerShell app on Windows and paste the following prompt.

cd automatic; .\webui.bat --backend diffusers

Once open, reload the and select SDXL 1.0 from the Stable Diffusion Checkpoint as the model to run for image generation.

  • Another option is to create a permanent shortcut that runs SD.Next with a diffusers backend once opened. To achieve this, locate the SD.Next folder in File Explorer using the following prompt.


Next, find and right-click the webui.dat. file. Select Show More Options and click Create Shortcut.

After creating the new shortcut, rename it to webui.bat - diffusers. Also, click on Properties on the renamed file and edit the Target Field by adding the extra argument --backend diffusers as shown below.

Click Apply to effect the changes. You can now easily access SDXL 1.0 with the diffusers' backend on SD.Next by double-clicking the shortcut. 

Step 7: Finalizing Refiner Model Settings

You may already notice that the SDXL refiner is not readily visible on the SD at this stage. Next WebUI. You will need to change this for convenience. Go to Settings and find the QuickSettings tab. Add sd_model_refiner to this setting as shown below and apply the change.

Close SD.Next from your Windows Terminal and restart your browser to effect the changes. Reopen the programs, and you should find the “Stable Diffusion Refiner” dropdown on your SD.Next Web UI.

Now you’re finally ready to generate some AI images using SDXL!

Step 8: Running Your First Prompt with SDXL 1.0 + Refiner

Select the base model from the Stable Diffusion checkpoint and None under Stable Diffusion Refiner. 

Input some prompts and define image parameters. Note that SDXL 1.0 requires a size of 1024*1024 pixels for best results. 

Click Generate

To use the SDXL refiner on a generated output, toggle on the Refiner from the Stable Diffusion refiner tab. Click Generate again. This method creates similar images to the base model but with greater attention to detail.

Meanwhile, you can always return SD.Next to the original backend (mentioned in Step 6) to use older SD models. To do so, go to Settings and select original in the option for Stable Diffusion backend. 

SDXL Use Cases

Like earlier AI image generation models, SDXL supports several use cases across different niches. Here are some use cases we could think about for Stability AI's latest version:

  • Further research on AI image creation models.
  • Generating new styles, ideas, and concepts for fashion design and architectural patterns.
  • Enriching educational materials and learning experiences. 
  • Instant generation of images and concepts for photography and artistic designs.
  • Generating images and mockups for eCommerce products and online stores.


While SDXL is a powerful tool for AI image generation, the following tips will help make the most out of it.

  • Concise prompting: Unlike previous models, SDXL does a better job at understanding human interaction. Therefore, it is usually helpful to keep your prompt as simple as possible. The use of detailed prompts such as "exceptional" or "high-resolution" are no longer needed as these are already built into SDXL.
  • Use fewer negative prompts: While negative prompts were great for older SD models, they are not as necessary for SDXL. Keywords such as "blur" and "unrealistic" are no longer required and may negatively impact the final output.
  • Adopt custom models and experiment with various features: As SDXL becomes more popular in the AI world, anticipate the emergence of custom models trained for different niches. Feel free to experiment with these models and read the documentation on how to get the most out of them. Additionally, explore different features on SDXL, including new prompts, modifying configurations, and comparing outputs from the base and refiner models. 
  • Stay up-to-date: Join communities such as r/StableDiffusion to stay updated with the latest developments and news. Collaborate with other community members and read forum posts for tips on how to get the most out of SDXL 1.0 and newer versions that Stability AI may release in the future.

Pros & Cons

SDXL delivers significant improvements when compared to earlier Stable Diffusion versions. Yet, there are also downsides largely resulting from the technology still being in its infancy.


  • Higher-resolution images
  • Generation of readable texts
  • A better understanding of human prompts.
  • Clearer rendering of human anatomy and nature-based environments.
  • Introduces greater functionalities such as img-to-img rendering, inpainting, and outpainting.
  • Improved photo-realistic output compared to earlier SD models (especially combining SDXL 1.0 + refiner model).
  • Available on multiple AI image generation platforms, including DreamStudio, ClipDrop, Automatic1111 Web-UI, and SD.Next.


  • The installation process for running SDXL locally is relatively complicated for new users. 
  • SDXL's legible text and human anatomy generation are still far from perfect. Users report seeing texts without meaning and incomplete human body parts such as fingers and eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the default image size for SDXL?

The default image size for SDXL is 1024 x 1024 pixels. This is twice the size of the SD 1.5 model at 512*512 pixels. This increased size for SDXL 1.0 allows for higher-quality image generation.

Can I use SDXL 1.0 without its refiner model?

Yes. The SDXL 1.0 base model can function as an independent module for text-to-image generation. However, users need the refinement model to get the best outcomes. The refiner adds details that the base model may omit and fine-tunes the generated image for a better realistic output.

SDXL 1.0 vs. Midjourney, which is better?

SDXL and Midjourney have their distinct strengths in AI art generation. While SDXL pays closer attention to user prompts, Midjourney has gained a reputation for crafting excellent images. Both tools are complementary and will likely continue to be useful as the AI revolution continues.

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